From Glasgow to Poland

Anthony Heron speaks to 44-year-old Claire McEachran from Scotland and 23-year-old Radek Ryczko from Poland about tackling climate change for the ‘100 Voices: Home and Away’ project.

Planting trees. Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

Planting trees. Photo by Noah Buscher on Unsplash

As COP26 approaches, the effect can be felt throughout Glasgow and at Braeside Community Garden, they are making the most of interest in taking care of the environment. The garden had been left untended for the past two years, but earlier this year started being used as a community space.

Claire McEachran, 44, a volunteer at the garden said: “We have an area that is for adults, they can hire beds or do planting or provide food for the community. We have a children’s education area where we run community-based projects.”

The goal of the garden is to educate young people about the environment. Claire said: “We are trying to instil an understanding that our planet is not just for today, and that we have to maintain it."

This isn't always the case in other countries. Radek Ryczko, 23, from Poland explained how the Polish government is neglectful regarding climate change. He said: “The government don't show initiative in this direction and their ignorance has led to a number of protests. However, these kinds of protests aren't publicised and no-one hears about them.”

He did say that Polish schools were making some effort to educate their young students. Radek said: “In schools, activities are conducted where trees are planted.”


100 voicesAnthony Heron