Climate Crisis is Impacting People Globally

Cameron O’brien talks to John Paul Jose from Kerala, India and Alexander Robertson from Cupar, Fife for the ‘100 Voices: Home and Away’ project.

Climate activists protesting. Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

Home- Alexander Robertson, 16, Fife

Alexander Robertson is a 16-year-old student from Cupar, Fife. He said: “I haven’t felt like my daily life has been affected by the climate crisis yet. However, I see it all over the news and hear about it in school, so I am very aware of the problems it could pose in the future.”

Research has found that transport accounts for 37% of Scotland’s greenhouse gas emissions. Robertson said: “My mum usually gives me lifts in the morning. However, I definitely feel like I should replace this with a more sustainable mode of transport such as an electric bike.”

Away- John Paul Jose, 24, Kerala, India

John Paul Jose is a 24-year-old climate activist from Kerala, India. He said: “[In India] We have been suffering the effects of the climate crisis for quite a long time. Records set for the wettest and driest days have happened within a few months of each other.”

 Research suggests that melting glaciers will lead to disastrous levels of flooding in India and its neighbouring countries within the next century or two. Jose said: “As meaningful climate action, we need technologies that provide alternative energy so we can cut down emissions from the production process, infrastructure, land use and also make all these areas a major carbon capture.”

100 voicesCameron O'Brien