Being Energy Conscious is One Way People Are Fighting Climate Change

Donald Erskine speaks to 23-year-old Kim Erskine from Ayrshire, Scotland, and Bruno 29-year-old Bruno Samuel from France for the ‘100 Voices: Home and Away’ project.


Home- Kim Erskine, 23, Stewarton, Ayrshire


Kim Erskine, who is 23 years old and lives in Stewarton, Ayrshire, said: “I feel that Energy in Scotland is very expensive. My house is fully electrically powered, but I make sure my energy is all renewably sourced. I used to have a Smart Meter in my old house but haven’t been offered one since I’ve moved. I think they [Smart Meters] are a great thing, and everyone should have one. I definitely used less energy when I had one.”


Away- Bruno Samuel, 29, French national

Bruno Samuel, a 29-year-old French national, visited City of Glasgow College during COP26 to participate in Climate Fresk. Discussing energy and climate solutions in Marseille, he said: “In France, there are organisations promoting consuming less energy; Negawatt are a great example of this. I think it’s about changing the way we live – not changing the things we rely on to slightly better solutions. That is the answer to solving our climate issues.”

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

100 voicesDonald Erskine