Worrying Weather Conditions and Their Impact

Image source: Carl Jorgensen via Unsplash

By Mia Quinn and James Kenneth Martin

Kyle Stewart, 22, Glasgow

“There are very warm summers these days - too warm. It’s definitely getting worrisome, you can tell just from the weather alone that things need to be sorted out. I personally don’t buy clothes very often but I will admit that I buy fast food more regularly than I should.

“Everyone should be responsible for the planet but I think the world leaders should especially be as they have the most power, don’t they?”

Megan Devenny, 26, Paisley.

“It's 13 degrees in November, it feels like it can be winter, then summer, then winter, then summer again. Four climates in one day. I still have a sunflower trying to grow in November! It’s depressing I mean everything we can do, re-using stuff, recycling, but it feels very futile.

‘‘Technically we are all responsible for helping to avert climate change but also corporations produce a lot of CO2.

‘‘I want to be vegan, I’ve always been vegetarian my whole life but I try to drink soy milk and so forth… I use beeswax wraps, recycle anything and everything I can. I don’t have a car so obviously I can’t drive. Just anything and everything, it all feels futile but I want to do my part.”

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