Climate change is closely linked to the finance sectors

Image source: Austin Distel vis Unsplash

By Mairi Macleod

Eleanor Livingston, 25, a senior government health advisor in New Zealand said, “Climate change is closely linked to the finance sectors. In New Zealand, the government recently introduced a law which forces financial firms to report the effect their investments have on the environment. I think it’s the first step in holding large corporations to account. New Zealand is the first country in the world to bring in this law so hopefully it will set an example to the rest of the world.” 

Nicole Busby, 58, a university professor from Glasgow said: “On my way to work, I see so many people driving massive diesel cars along the road. I think they’re excessive and fill the air in Glasgow with pollution. While there has been some effort made by the Scottish government to limit the carbon emissions and pollution from these cars, I think they need to do more to discourage people from driving with diesel. They could encourage people to drive electric cars.”

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