Climate Change Impacting Weather Changes is a Common Concern

Lucette speaks to Kirsty Morrison, 22, from Glasgow and Keziah Theresee Gerosano, 22, from the Philippines for the ‘100 Voices: Home and Away’ project.

Home- Kirsty Morrison, 22, Glasgow

Kirsty Morrison, 22, is a Physics student based in Glasgow.

 She said: “Scotland is getting warmer each year and countries closer to us are getting more extreme weather. I have a feeling of helplessness and guilt as the general public can only do so much and have to helplessly watch the effects of climate change.

 “Everyone should care about making a difference but I think the main responsibility should come down to large business owners, CEOs and world leaders, as they have the money and power to make a bigger difference.

 “The amount of stop and start traffic in Glasgow is a concern. If more people had reliable and affordable public transport there would be fewer people using cars.”


Away- Keziah Theresee Gerosano, 22, Philippines

Keziah Theresee Gerosano, 22, from the Philippines was a delegate at the UN Climate Conference of Youth, COY16.

She said: “The Philippines is located in the typhoon belt which means it is frequently visited by typhoons and each year these get stronger.

 “Growing up as a young girl I thought that it was part of my life. I thought it was the norm, but four years ago when I moved to New York City and attended the United Nations Youth Assembly I met Climate Reality and I realised that this was not the norm. There is still time to save our planet. Since then I realised my capacity to influence change within my local community.”


100 voicesLucette Wood