How to reduce anxiety coming out of lockdown


When the first lockdown was announced in March 2020, no one know for certain how long it would be until life would be returning to normal.

With vaccinations being rolled out, concerts being scheduled to go ahead from 2022 and small social gatherings beginning to take place across the country; it is understandable that tensions will be running high. After being kept indoors for over a year, many are feeling anxious about stepping back out and fear things will never be the same again.

Here are 5 useful tips to cope with post-lockdown anxiety:

1. Do regular COVID tests. The NHS website advises that you should do a rapid lateral flow coronavirus test every 3-4 tests. This helps prevent the spread of the virus and means you can self-isolate if needed. Before seeing friends, make sure you all do a test. This will reduce anxiety you may have if you are worried about catching or spreading the virus to your loved ones.

2. Meet outdoors. Seeing your loved ones is a great way to improve your wellbeing, especially after such a long time without seeing them. Getting out to enjoy the good weather is not only wiser in relation to preventing spread of the virus, but also is good for your body and mind. We get Vitamin D from the sunlight, which was being prescribed to the most vulnerable groups by the NHS during the height of the pandemic.

3. Speak to your GP. If you have been struggling with anxiety, your first port of call should be your Doctor, who can refer you on to useful services for support. You can also call the Anxiety UK Helpline - 08444 775774 (open 9.30am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday).

4. Make plans. It is important that you start enjoying life again when the opportunity presents itself. Looking into the future is a good way to prevent anxiety and uncertainty about the future. Make time to see friends who bring you happiness, plan and book events that you want to go to, such as concerts or the cinema.

5. Look after your wellbeing. It is essential that you remember to take care of yourself, especially after a tough year where you might have been letting your self-care routine slip. Eating healthy, exercise, plenty of rest and doing things you love are great ways to maintain good health. Even if you find life starts to feel busy, remember to take time for yourself. Gradually lead up to changes in your life to avoid feeling overwhelmed and enjoy a taste of normality; whatever that may be.