Let's Get Melted: How 19-year-old Lauren Rhicard started her own business


Starting a business is something that takes guts, perseverance and planning. Lauren Rhichard, a 19-year-old girl from North Lanarkshire started her business ‘Let’s Get Melted’ during lockdown. She sells products such as wax melts, carfumes, torso candles, hampers, soap exfoliation sponges and even soap brow pots – all of which come in an array of different scents.

They are all handmade and packaged beautifully yet are still very affordable, with prices from £1. Lauren’s love for arts and crafts paired with her vision to start a business has proven successful and she gains more customers each day. She uses social media such as an Instagram and Facebook page to promote her business using pictures of her products.

Kickstarting the business wasn’t easy, Lauren said: “My business is definitely profitable now, but it wasn’t at the beginning. You need quite a bit of dedication to get started and believe that you can grow as a business. To begin with I had to invest quite a bit of my own money, but it was so worth it in the long run!”

Lauren gave advice to others looking to start a business up, she said: “I want to tell others not to be scared to try new things and invest in ideas, such as bringing out new products. Some things will work out/sell more than others but that can be a huge learning curve for the future. Don’t be scared to promote your business and ask for help to get your name out there.”

Lauren said: “I have had a lot of support from family members and friends who liked, shared and purchased my products to promote to their friends and family. My mum, who helped me come up with different ideas and was also the one who came up with the name Let’s Get Melted – I couldn’t have done it without her.”

Balancing a social life, work, studies and a business can sometimes prove difficult as Lauren is also studying journalism at college. She said: “It can be hard to balance studying and work as well as my business. That is one thing you need to be ready for and commit to. In the beginning I did not realise how tough going it was to balance everything, but I still manage. Be prepared for spending a lot of time taking orders, making them up and packaging them. I do take weekends off to allow myself some time to chill out, which all of my customers know of.”

Lauren has plans for Let’s Get Melted, as she said: “My business plans for the future are to just carry on as I’m going! Maybe bringing out some new products and scents. I think I will be a lot busier when it comes to Christmas time for gifts so I’m really looking forward to that!”

Supporting an independent business means your orders are made and packaged with care, quality and love. They are where new and unique product ideas come from and the shopping experience is personal, not out of a huge factory. To shop at Let’s Get Melted for yourself or for a gift, click on the link below.

https://www.instagram.com/lets.getmelted/   - Link to Lauren’s Instagram Business Page

LifestyleMolly Miller