Five Reasons why Cats Make Great Pets

As someone who grew up around dogs, I have always been 100 per cent a self-proclaimed ‘dog person.’ However, when I recently decided to take on a 10-week-old kitten named Lola, my whole world changed, as my eyes were opened to the joys of being a cat parent. So here it is, five reasons why you should get a cat:

1. They are so playful. Much like dogs, they love to play and can be so affectionate and loving. They are very relaxing to be around during the day while they are napping and, as the night goes on, they wake up, ready to play and do ‘zoomies’ around the whole house.

2. Lower your stress and anxiety. Any cat owner will tell you the instant health benefits of sitting with a purring cat on your knee. Just like that, all your worries disintegrate into thin air.

3. They can live indoors. Whether you decide to bring your cat up indoors, or with the added element of letting them go out, you will find that they require a lot less responsibility than a dog who may need regular exercise and walking. The general rule is that you should have two litter trays in your house per cat that you own. They are also very independent which means that as they get older they can be left in their own company and be quite content in that situation.

4. They get rid of all the bugs that make their way into your house. Say goodbye to having to constantly put unwanted beasties in a jar and putting them out the door. Your cat will make it their job to get rid of them all for you.

5. They are amazing company; My cat spends all her time by my side. They devote their love to their owner whilst giving you plenty of your own space as well.