Warhammer 40,000: Five New Combat Patrols Announced

With the turn of a new year, Games workshop announced at the start of the week their plan to release five new combat patrols.

Combat patrols were announced shortly after the release of the ninth edition in 2020 as an incentive for players starting a new army. It provides 500 points worth of miniatures for a specific faction which is the smallest recommended size for a game of Warhammer 40,000. Each box set is guaranteed: one HQ unit to lead the army, at least one elite unit and multiple troops.

The codex for the T’au is set to be released soon complemented by the Combat patrol box. This will contain 23 miniatures, almost half of which are rank and file fire warriors, supported by a Ghostkeel Battlesuit and three Stealth Battlesuits. All come under the command of an ethereal, which has an updated model only available with this box set.

Games Workshop said: “Over the next few months, more new Combat Patrols are coming to Warhammer 40,000, for Grey Knights, Thousand Sons, Genestealer Cults, and Adeptus Custodes.” All of which already have their ninth edition codex as well as their own campaign set in Hexfire and Shadow throne respectively for players who want to get involved in either of these factions just now.

Each box set that has been announced contains a variety of units with the smallest of 12 models in the Grey Knights Combat patrol and the largest being Genestealer cults at 32 models. Despite this, both are worth the same in points value due to Grey Knights being an elite force with better trained and equipped soldiers.

The release ended with: “All five of these boxes will help you get a playable force on the tabletop, perfect for getting involved with the first Season of Warhammer 40,000, in which the battle for control of Vigilus and the Nachmund Gauntlet continues.

2022 promises to be a packed year for Warhammer 40,000, with an Eldritch Storm raging and plenty more exciting releases to come. Stay up to date with all the latest by signing up for the Warhammer Community newsletter.”

GamingSpencer Smythe