Top five reasons why students should apply for university this Autumn

That time of year has come again—the time for students to pick their preferred courses and apply to the many establishments across Glasgow. With UCAS applications due in January, everyone is busy at work and in the process of meeting the deadline.

Think of the possibilities! The moment you open your application, you are allowing yourself to take that first leap into creating an incredible future,

From the University of Strathclyde to Glasgow Caledonian and many more beautiful campuses across Glasgow, there are thousands of courses to choose from and lots of opportunities waiting to be taken.

Career Advisor at the City of Glasgow College, Graeme Smith, makes clear the multiple advantages that come when applying to UCAS and university. He advises that the best and most important thing any student can do is “stay calm” and not stress or be afraid of what comes next.

Graeme makes clear the advantages that applying to university can have:

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Strengthening your knowledge to the highest level possible

By applying to university courses, students choose to expand their knowledge and find out as much as possible about a specific topic or subject area.

A degree helps provide you with various skills and knowledge you can learn throughout the journey of your chosen course.

Being at university can educate and teach you so many things that you want to do next and can stretch your skills so high, giving you the strength and ability to do anything you put your mind to.

One of the biggest things a university can teach any student, no matter the choice of subject course, is independence.

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Increasing your chances of employment

One of the biggest advantages of applying to university courses is the aftereffect and d what going to university and getting your degree will do for your future career.

While applying and going for job interviews without a university degree to hand over is possible and can be accepted for roles such as a police officer and even those within the journalism industry. A study from found that employers see their applicants as more “job-ready” if they have a university degree and that those with one possess more soft and hard skills.

Graeme points out the advantage that applying to university courses has, especially towards employment. “It prepares you for the process of the job application.”

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Broadening your experiences - building your CV

As part of your application for university (UCAS), you are required to add a personal statement. Like your college application, this describes to the reader a bit about you and your background.

Overall, by applying and attending university, you are giving yourself more information and experience to add to your CV – which will be used in the future as your chance to gain employment.

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Allowing yourself time

Similarly, like college, applying to universities can give you many things. It can provide you with further education and grant you friendships, relationships, and lifelong opportunities. But more importantly, applying to university can give you time.

Time to be happy, time to breathe. Time to find out who you truly are as a person. To find out what you want to do with your life.

University may be right for you, but what is right for one person may not suit everyone. There are so many options out there for you to choose from. Work experience. Apprenticeships. Internships

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Your mental health will benefit from your investment in further education.

Applying to courses at different universities is a fantastic way of preparing yourself and steadying your mind for a better life beyond the one you are already living. University is about taking a chance on yourself and allowing yourself to take the next step in your educational journey.

Allow yourself the opportunity to grow and learn. To flourish in everything you are and make a difference in your life is a great act of self-care and respect. It is a positive step in the right direction for anyone.

So, you have made the decision to go ahead with making your UCAS application, but before you begin filling in any details, there are a few things that you must bear in mind.

Graeme said, “Anyone looking to apply, or to start their application to UCAS, the first thing is not to rush it.”

There are many sections included within the application – personal details, support information, education requirement, and employment history. But the important thing is that you breathe and not stress.

 When you apply, it is ideal to choose something you will enjoy. You want to avoid applying for something that will make you miserable every day on campus.

Be sure to thoroughly research the ins and outs of the course you apply for.

What campus is the course located on? What are the entry requirements?

What does the course offer you? What is the total duration of the course? What year are you applying for?

You can only apply for one year at a time.

Other advice Graeme offers includes the personal statement.

“Try not to make a story out of this,” he explains.

The personal statement is incredibly specific. It needs to be detailed enough so that whoever is reading it knows enough about you to make an informed decision.

Don’t dig too deep into your past experiences. Universities want to know who you are now. Not ten years earlier when you were back in school.

It is also good to know that as part of the UCAS application, you will be asked to apply as an individual or through your college establishment. Your best option is to apply at your current place of learning. By doing this, they can assist you and offer all the support you need to fill out your details and submit your application.

If you have any other issues with your application process, or you are looking to seek further support or advice, UCAS offers access to various tools which can help you along the way.

LifestyleDebra Rose