Three of the most expensive construction projects currently underway in Glasgow

In recent years Glasgow has experienced somewhat of a construction boom. Swathes of the city have been transformed, with world-class convention, exertainment and office space being built in the city centre and along the banks of the river Clyde. Furthermore, the city has also seen significant investment in infrastructure and public realm, as it looks towards a greener future.

While the city has seen substantial improvements made in the last decade, years of industrial decline cannot be reversed overnight. Large areas of the city remain in a state of disrepair, with sizeable areas of vacant wasteland still visible within its core. While the task of restoring Glasgow to its former glory may be a lengthy one, a cluster of big-budget projects are currently underway which will change its landscape irrevocably.

Here are three of the most expensive projects currently underway in Glasgow as of December 2022:

3.  Sighthill Regeneration Project: £250M

Image: Wireframe Immersive: Artist impression of completed site.

Notoriously one of Glasgow's most deprived areas, the original Sighthill housing scheme was eventually demolished in 2009. Despite being less than three miles from the city centre, the area had long been cut-off from much of the city after the controversial construction of the M8 in the 1960s.

The new Sighthill project is Scotland’s largest housing project of the 21st century, with over 1,000 new homes due to be built on the former derelict site. The mammoth project will be completed in stages and is due to be finished by 2027.  Aside from quality, affordable housing, the site will also feature an abundance of green space, a school, a community centre, and a range of shops.

Connectivity is also at the heart of the project, with an active travel plan in place, linking the site with the city centre in under 15 minutes. Central to this is the £19m Sighthill Bridge, due for completion in early 2023. The Bridge, seen as the lynchpin of the project, had been due for completion in late 2022. However, the ripple effect of the Coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine, have delayed its progress.

2.Candleriggs Square: £300m

Image: Donald Erskine: Candleriggs Square in progress, December 2022.

Located in the heart of Glasgow’s Merchant City, The Candleriggs Square Project is a £300m mix development project being co-built by Drum Property Group and Stamford Property Investment. At its core will be its flagship, 500-bedroom, Student Hotel. The hotel will be one of the largest Scotland has ever seen and will form the basis for phase one of the project.

Upon completion in 2024, the 3.6-acre site, will also host an array of retail and office space, as well as 346 build-to-rent apartments. The project will also feature a large central courtyard, which will likely become a focal point of Glasgow’s night-time economy for years to come.

1.  Buchanan Wharf: £500m 

Image: Donald Erskine: Buchanan Wharf in progress, December 2022.

Drum Property Group’s Buchanan Wharf tops the list as the most expensive private construction project in Scotland’s history. The £500m project is situated on the south bank of the river Clyde, in its traditionally industrial Tradeston area.  Already partially open, the site is currently home to Barclays Northern European HQ, as well as a range of small businesses. Due for completion in 2023, the site will also soon be home to The Student Loans Company’s HQ and 324 built-to-rent appartements.

With the initial structural phase now complete, the sheer scale of the project is entirely visible. A once neglected piece of waste ground has been transformed into one of Europe’s most impressive mixed developments. With further redevelopment taking place along the Clyde-side, Buchanan Wharf is testament to the Glasgow’s ambition and determination to become one of Europe’s most liveable and innovative cities.

GlasgowJonathan Black