Top 5 'The Midnight Gospel' episodes

The Midnight Gospel is an amazing look into the mind of the podcast creator Duncan Trussel, and the weird and wonderful artistic mind of Pendleton Ward, otherwise known for creating the hit TV show 'Adventure Time'. This show follows Clancy Gilroy, a man living in small a trailer trying to start up a podcasting career for himself. To do this he uses a virtual world machine, visiting sentient beings in apocalyptic worlds to interview for his podcast. This show is amazing and is well worth the watch if you are looking for something Bold, new, and creative on Netflix. Here are five episodes to keep an eye on!

5. Officers and Wolves

In this episode, Clancy talks to author Anne Lamott, who writes books on serious topics such as Alcoholism, motherhood, and Christianity, but with a comedic spin. Anne is portrayed in this episode as a hybrid of a deer and a dog. Weird, I know. This episode focuses a lot on religion and the process of death. The characters talk about what it’s like losing someone close to them and how to make humor and small talk out of the touchy subject. During this talk they also bring in religion, discussing what the bible says about death.

Sadly, what drags this episode down is the visuals. The visuals can be distracting to the point you stop paying attention to the conversation, and once you try to get back into it you have no idea what’s going on. The visual narrative of the episode does correlate to the topic, but not to the point you can understand where they are in the conversation. If you are looking for something to hit you in the feels, but also lift you up when looking at the process of death then this is the episode for you.

4. Hunters Without a Home

The fish-man being interviewed here is Damien Echols. Damien Echols was wrongfully accused of murder facing execution for 18 years before being proven innocent moments before it took place. This episode explores what he did to combat the mental toll of prison, getting into something called Magick, a Rinzai Zen Buddhist tradition. This episode is all about self-care, it’s about how to preserve yourself in horrific situations. The Visual narrative in this episode isn’t too distracting because the conversation stops when something big happens in a visual sense.

3. Annihilation of Joy

Annihilation of Joy is the visual definition of a bad acid trip. Soul Bird, voiced by Jason Louv, a futurist, journalist, and turned-author, talks about all sorts of odd stuff. Mainly touching on meditation, how everyone’s consciousness’ are all connected through tethers, waking up from a simulated reality, and reincarnation. The visual narrative of this episode can be distracting but is very tied to what the two people are talking about, so if you do get lost you can easily jump back into their conversation based on what the visuals are telling you. If you are looking for something to explore spirituality a bit, then this is the episode for you. There is a ton of symbolism in this episode.

2. Turtles of the Eclipse

This episode touches on how to deal with death around you, again. Death, played by Caitlin Doughty, who is a mortician and published author, flips the concept of death on its head and instead talks about how it is good. In this episode they talk about things such as the importance of being in the presence of a dying or deceased person, being able to experience what it looks like, and how healthy it is to actually see something as real as death.

1. Mouse of Silver

This is the most heartfelt and personal episode. In this episode, our main character talks to Clinical Therapist, Deneen Fendig, who is also the voice actor's mother who sadly passed in 2013. Again, this episode focuses on death, but it focuses on it in the emotional sense. It also focuses on the person's (who is dying) emotions. In this, they talk about accepting everything that comes with death. This is the most emotionally impactful episode. The visuals are also very heartbreaking with lots of symbolism. It also just enhances everything that’s being said and will definitely make you tear up. By far, this is the best episode.

The Midnight Gospel is one of the best shows on Netflix, especially if you are looking for something more spiritual. The show overall provides stunning visuals and compelling conversations to keep you enthralled in its story of the main Character Clancy Gilroy. This show is highly recommended if you are looking for something to watch on Netflix!