The best game comebacks

Over the last couple of decades, video games have increased exponentially in scope, size, and sheer ambition. While this has led to some of the most amazing pieces of digital art ever created, it has also led to some disappointments too.

Whether it has been due to pressure from a studio to get a game finished quickly or just a lack of understanding of the assignment. Safe to say that there have been many times that we've been subjected to some half-cooked letdowns.

Not everything is irredeemable though, through some hard work from the studios who created them, here are a few games that made the biggest comebacks according to Reddit users.

No Man’s Sky

This one may not come as a surprise to anyone who is familiar with the game as 'No Man’s Sky' is potentially the most famous - or infamous - game of the lot. Launching back in 2016 to major hype, this game was simply not as advertised. Less than optimised graphics, no multiplayer, and a slow and repetitive grind. This was an empty universe filled with very little to do.

That being said, through 21 free major updates and over 70 patches for Hello Games, the small indie studio has completely turned it around.

The addition of multiplayer, base building, and even a story mode are just a few of the hundreds of improvements made.

One thing is clear, this game is not what it was at launch. You could even go as far as to say it’s one of the best Sci-Fi games out right now.

Grand Theft Auto V Online

While 'GTA V' was released to critical success in terms of its story mode, the multiplayer came a few weeks later. The multiplayer to put it nicely was a disaster.

Players with the misfortune of attempting to log in on those first couple of weeks were met with broken servers, corruption of single-player save files, and constant disconnections. The few players who did make it into the game successfully were greeted by a rather empty and lifeless world devoid of much to do.

Fast forward a few years and GTA Online has become so popular that it seems to have indefinitely delayed Rockstar from making a sequel. Who knows when we will see GTA VI?

Cyberpunk 2077

Now this game has had one of the messiest launches that there has ever been for a high-budget game. Riding off the mass success of the Witcher 3, CD Projekt released one of the most half-cooked games ever made.

Plagued with technical issues so bad that the game was near unplayable for many it was clear to see that this was a flop.

The game has since seen an array of updates and patches fixing most, if not all, of the major problems within the game. The game saw a major resurgence in players when the Netflix Original animated series released - Cyberpunk: Edgerunners.

EntertainmentBen Cutler