Film Review: 'Cocaine Bear'- The perfect silly comedy thriller

A loosely based story of cocaine that was thrown out of a plane and eaten by a bear, which then later died due to the amount, however, in this version of the story the bear there is a slightly different approach to the bear just dying. The film begins with some background about where it is set and the events that lead up to the effects that prevail throughout the film later on.

In this comedy/thriller, the bear goes on a rampage killing and devouring anyone in sight in search of its next ‘hit’. Actor, Ray Liotta, who plays Syd, the man behind the batch of drugs that were launched from the sky, sends one of his men (Daveed) played by actor O’Shea Jackson Jr and his son (Eddie) played by actor Alden Ehrenreich to retrieve the goods.

The acting in this film gave the perfect amount of comedic value, however, in the scenes where the actors needed to portray stress, anxiety, or fear was also done to a professional level where the viewer could actively feel the emotion. Margo Martindale who played the park ranger, Liz, played the role amazingly, she really managed to embody the mannerisms of what you can imagine a park ranger in Georgia during the 1980s.

After, all but giving up on the films that Hollywood has produced as of late, this film really enticed the audience to come back to the big-screen cinema, and just enjoy the film. Now if you are not one for gore and violence then, this is possibly one to avoid, as there is a number of slightly, gut-wrenching scenes. If you are one for some gore and violence, then this film should be right up your alley, it is like salt and pepper, not enough and it would be boring, but too much and it can spoil the show. This film balances it on a fantastic level and was the perfect silly comedy thriller.
