Classics books that are good for beginners

Classics can be a daunting read for some people: are they too wordy? Is the language too complicated? Are they boring? There are a few to read that are a good introduction to classic literature.

'Frankenstein' by Mary Shelley

This book was one of the most revolutionary of its time. It is one of the most haunting, gripping and frightening, yet touching book to read. Written in letter form, Victor Frankenstein writes to Walton, Victor has an unhealthy obsession with alchemy and enrols at the University of Ingolstadt. Desperate to leave a mark on science and scientific advancements, he builds a creature from dead bodies.

'Animal Farm' by George Orwell

This is a simple story of animals staging a revolt against their farmer and take over the entire farm, calling it Animal Farm. The animals on the farm gather for meetings, and discuss their mistreatment on the farm, and together, decide they’ve had enough. Led by the pigs, Snowball and Napoleon, they fight against the farmer and his men, taking the farm for themselves. Orwell’s, satirical writing delves into how dangerous and harmful totalitarianism is and the reality of how power and greed corrupt those in power.

'Emma' by Jane Austen

Austen’s most famed novel 'Pride and Prejudice' could be in this list too, but Emma is a far more and easier and funny read. The novel follows handsome, rich, and clever Emma Woodhouse, who overestimates her matchmaking skills with her new friend Harriet, who she wants to find the best match for her. Of course, this all goes horribly wrong and has a domino effect of ruining not only Harriet’s love life, but her own. Emma learns that she needs to work on herself and her own affairs, rather than the people around her.

'Little Women' by Louisa May Alcott

The story follows the March sisters: Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy, who all go through happy times, sad times, and hardship. Each sister has dreams and aspirations, whether it is to be a painter or to have a simple married life with kids. They befriend their neighbour, Theodore Lawrence (Laurie), who becomes very close with the March sisters. The book is an easy and enjoyable read, with characters to love and even relate to, and all-round happy book to read.