The feminist calendar 2024

By Elloise Alexander

Feminism: Where every voice matters

With every positive thing that has happened regarding the feminist’s movement in 2023 the Barbie moved spun sexism on its head, the Lionesses came 2nd in Women’s football, Rihanna became the first pregnant woman to sing at the super bowl. Yet, the fight for respect and equality is far from over. Women are still often overlooked regarding respect, safety, medicine and reproductive rights. So here are some of the most important days to celebrate in 2024.



·       Cervical cancer awareness month

·       14th - Caesarean section day - Celebrating women who have undergone C-section births.

·       27th - World breast pumping day - Dedicated to breastfeeding women and the bond between mother and child.



·       1st - 7th - Women and girls in sports week - Celebrating that any sport boys can do girls can do better!

·       6th - Zero tolerance to F.G.M Day - Working to stop female genital mutilation across the globe.

·       14th - Valentine’s day



·       Women's history month - Celebrating women thought history and what we have done to change the world.

·       Gender equality month

·       1st - International women of colour day - Celebrating the rights, accomplishments and history of women of colour.

·       3rd - Endometriosis week

·       4th - Fight against sexual exploitation day

·        8th - International women's day

·       10th - Mother's Day



·       26th - Lesbian visibility day - To raise awareness of lesbian issues show support and to encourage lesbians to live authentically.



·       1st - Infertility survival day - Shows support for women who have suffer with infertility.

·       5th - International midwife day

·       8th - World ovarian cancer day

·       20th - National high heels day - The national day to wear high heels, just for fun!

·       22nd - Preeclampsia day - Supports survivors and the families of women who have passed due to preeclampsia.

·       28th - Menstrual hygiene day - Celebrating women's right to period care.



·       9th - No apologies period day - Encourages women and girls to be proud of their period.

·       19th - Elimination of sexual violence - Day dedicated to bring awareness to ongoing work to stop everything from cat calls to rape.



·       Fibroid awareness month - Share awareness on how fibroids can affect women.

·       23rd Women touched by addiction day - Show support and solidarity to women affected by drugs.



·       4th - National sisters day 18th - bookstore romance day - Day dedicated to romance novels and falling in love with another book-boyfriend.

·       26th - Women's equality day .



·       PCOS awareness month

·       5th - Cellulite day - Shows that skin imperfections are normal.

·       12th Police womans day

·       18th - National equal pay day

·       22nd - National daughters day

·       28th - National safe abortion day



·       Menopause month

·       Breast cancer awareness month

·       8th - International lesbian day

·       13th - National no bra day

·       15th - Global wave of light - Remembrance of stillborn and children who died in infancy.



·       18th - The real black Friday - We should remember this day because it is the day suffragettes fought in front of the houses of parliament and refers to how the police treated them roughly - to remember the strength women have.



·       1st or 4th - Rosa Parks day - Celebrating that Rosa Parks stood up for her race.

LifestyleElloise Alexander