New Cricket Clubs Kicks Off
Kyle Coetzer, Brandon McMullen, Kathryn Bryce, if you're a keen cricketer then these may be some Scottish icons you look up to. And like many sporting figures, young people want to follow in their footsteps.
Gregor Cree has collaborated with Cricket Scotland to bringing in equipment to help start a recreational club to help bring students together, improve fitness and increase attendance in other facilities.
With any sports clubs the key aim is the fitness and making tactical plays, and while this is focused areas, Gregor also aims to have an inclusive club welcoming to all genders and nationalities.
‘We’ve got different nationalities within the club, we’ve got Indian students, we’ve got English students, Scottish students, all kind of coming together and socialising, and maybe where there is language barriers and stuff, that's not really been an issue.’ Gregor states.
Despite his lack of experience in cricket and the coaching within, Gregor still feels keenly about gaining numbers, where the students can lead the sessions. Setting up games, drills and teams by themselves, making it the students time to have fun and be free, instead of having to follow more instructions.
There are no requirements in joining the club, even open to staff, giving people the chance to mix with others and exercise. Players are asked to bring only their enthusiasm, and the rest is all there.
‘The students get wild and excited.’
Regardless of the language barriers, Gregor says it's clear that the students are enjoying themself, through their reactions when bowling each other out, helping create a mutually enjoyable environment.
The language of sport is international, and this new cricket club certainly helps students integrate and explore a new experience of sports, student led games and multi-cultural sessions.