Politicians Aren’t Pulling Their Weight: Two Voices from Partick and France Agree More Should Be Done

Image source: Brian Wertheim via Unsplash

By Ian Bonar

Kirsty May, 31, Partick

“I think it should be everyone as an individual, but really the government needs to take proper control of the situation. Maybe we need some form of power that can enact and change legislation, because the people in power are quite corrupt, and I don’t think they are doing the best for the planet. Even if they don’t intend to.

“Veganism is better for the environment because, crops that are grown are needed to feed the animals, and the water that is needed that is needed to supply the animals as well, so yeah, veganism is better for the environment.”

Mauve Troix, 21, South of France

“I don't think it's impacted my life. I don't think I'm worried about it and I want to change things but I don't think its impact directly like weather. It can be great that a politician would do things like, try. I just think they don't even try. They just say that they will complete things in 20 years. But now we just did nothing. And I think it's not a good idea because we hope they will do things and they have the power.”

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