The Small Changes We Made to Help Do Our Bit

Image source: Austin Kehmeier via Unsplash

By Wendy Toal

Danny McCallum, 22, Kirkintilloch, who works in the Blank faces shop in Buchanan Galleries

 “Climate change kind of makes me think about things in the future about maybe having children, and stuff like that because its them I feel are going to be impacted more. People do ask me “do you want kids” I do and I don’t because I don’t want to bring them into a world that is kind of crumbling in a sense. So that’s kind of the biggest way it impacts me.”

“Just small things to minimise my own impact. I’ve seen online that are easy enough to change like reusable makeup pads and stuff like that. Also do a thing with my old flat mates, we used to do Eco bricks where you put a bunch of plastic that can’t be recycled into a bottle and squash it down, and it’s a way of keeping the plastic in a container and you can use them to build things, other than that just general recycling.

Katie Miller, 22, Merchant City, Glasgow

 “I’m very aware of climate change in the media and I try to make better choices with what I buy and just be more conscious about what I buy”

 “I have definitely tried to reduce how often I buy clothes, I used to do it once a week but I think I only do it once a month now. I’m recycling, carrying a tote bag so I don’t have to get plastic bags in the shop and doing what I can to help.”

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