Nicola Sturgeon – One Year On

By Bobbie Dougan

It’s been 365 days since Nicola Sturgeon resigned as First Minister of Scotland, in front of an enthralled audience of British press.  

She said: “In my head and my heart, I know that time is now; That it is right for me, for my party, and for the country.” This was her defining statement that signalled the end of her tenure as First Minister. A tenure that would secure her spot in history as Scotland’s first ever female candidate, also reigning as the longest ever to hold the post.  

Her departure provided the go ahead for a captivating leadership contest which left Scotland’s independence hopes in the hands of the former Secretary for Health and Social Care, Humza Yousaf.  

There is no doubt that Sturgeon has cemented her place in Scottish history as the figurehead who led Scotland through the Covid-19 pandemic.  

Many Scots will remember her daily announcements and the livestreamed press conferences to inform Scotland of new Covid-19 figures, updating the nation on whether we could mix with family and friends.  

Sophie Elliot, a student at City of Glasgow College, said: “Nicola helped to calm my nerves during the pandemic, she seemed to be more of a strong leader than Boris Johnson. I was grateful Scotland had her.” 

Eric Mackie, also a student of City of Glasgow College, echoed the sentiment by saying: “Scotland will miss Nicola in times of hardship.”  

According to a report by The National, one year on from Sturgeon’s resignation, support for independence is still high with the SNP currently leading in the polls just ahead of Labour. The National also broke the story that based on a recent poll, the Conservatives will be wiped out in Scotland entirely.  


GlasgowBobbie Dougan