May Day
By Julian Pla
Summer is just around the corner
Happy May Day, today we are celebrating the beginning of summer. It is officially the first day of the summer season and hopefully we will have one filled with warm days, sunny skies and lots of dancing.
May Day is the European festival of ancient origins that celebrates the start of the season. It is usually celebrated the morning of the 1st of May, every city has a different tradition however they all seem to follow the same rules of celebration.
Typically, traditions during this time involve collecting wildflowers and green branches, crafting floral garland. In some places they, select a May Queen and crown her with a crown made of flowers with a possible male partner (no usually but if the groups consists of only males) A maypole is erected also referred to as a, May Tree, or May Bush for festive dancing around it and climbing it to the top.
Start after midnight, grab some drinks and make your way to the nearest body of water you can find. Make a bonfire with your friends and blast some good music to dance around.
Tell some stories, eat some snacks while you wait for the sun to rise. For students is usually a fun tradition to burn an offer at the bonfire to get good luck on the exams, it can be anything from food, to old exam papers or anything in between.
You are gonna need some swimsuits for what comes next. As the sun comes up to finish the celebrations off, and welcome the start of the summer. You run into the water, if you were one of the few that were falling asleep the cold water will shock you into staying up for the rest of the day.