Heathers the Musical hits the stage running in new UK tour

By Jessica Elliott

I had the privilege of representing City Live at Heathers’ Gala Night on the London West End. The hit musical has returned to the English capital for a limited six-week run at @sohoplace, after which the show will embark on its third UK tour from the 24th of July. They will be playing His Majesty’s Theatre in Aberdeen, so if you’re planning on giving the musical a shot when it comes to Scotland, City Live has you covered so you know what to expect from the 2024 class of Westerberg!


In the opening number, ‘Beautiful,’ the ensemble and Jenna Innes (as Veronica Sawyer) combine to produce a powerful hit that introduces us to this exciting adaptation of Sherwood, Ohio.


We quickly get introduced to the titular Heathers, three girls who are the top dogs at Westerberg High. Esme Bowdler makes her West End debut as the “almighty” Heather Chandler, Daisy Twells returns as Heather McNamara and 20-year-old Sedona Sky makes her professional debut as Heather Duke.


All three Heathers showcase their stage presence with a fantastic rendition of Candy Store. The vocals on display are incredible, each of them fitting their roles to perfection. The choreography is visually appealing, whilst the audience can also get lost in the mix of emotions told through the song.


JD makes an appearance shortly after as Canadian actor Keelan McAuley takes to the stage for the first time in the show. His first big song, Freeze Your Brain, is the fourth musical number and he absolutely nails it. Not only does he sing it well, but he changes up some details and actions to make it his own. He isn’t copying anyone, but rather, making sure that people think about him when they think JD.


The ensemble really shines when it comes to the next song, Big Fun. Every one of the background performers plays an important part in bringing the show together and without them, it really wouldn’t be the same.


As we approach the end of Act One, Kurt Kelly and Ram Sweeney are given their chance to shine. Played by Iván Fernández González and Jason Battersby respectively, both leave their mark on the characters as they grasp the opportunity with both hands. From little actions in the background of other characters’ songs to singing You’re Welcome incredibly well, they do themselves proud and will go down in Heathers’ history as fantastic portrayals of the two.


A special mention to Lucy Sinclair, who takes on the role of Ms Fleming and Veronica’s mother. Sinclair’s vocal ability really shines in Act Two when she’s given the chance to showcase it in Shine A Light. She works the audience well with the ‘Steve’ gimmick and brings the house down with a powerful belt in the final moments of the number. An incredible choice for the role and one you don’t want to miss out on seeing.


Amy Miles makes her professional debut as Martha Dunnstock and her performance throughout is moving. You can get attached to her character as she puts energy into the role so by the time it comes to her song, Kindergarten Boyfriend, the performance will move you to tears. I can say it certainly did to a few of us in attendance!


And speaking of performances in the second half, McAuley does a brilliant job at portraying the mental downfall of JD throughout the musical. When it comes to Meant To Be Yours, it feels as though we’re watching a broken man desperately beg for the love of his life to come back to him, and that’s how we should feel in that moment. The raw passion and energy in his performance stands out.


Not only does he do well to portray JD’s mental stability, but he also does well to get the broken relationship between JD and his father across to the audience. McAuley and Conor McFarlane (as JD’s dad) bounce off each other really well and we can feel the tension when the two are on stage.


Finally, a special mention to both Heather McNamara and Heather Duke.


Twells uses her voice to raise the roof when it’s time for her to perform Lifeboat. Her facial expressions throughout the musical display, to those with a watchful eye, the downfall of a popular teenage girl who is suffering with her own problems, whilst feeling as though she has to hide those problems from her friends.


Sky is an incredible performer considering Duke is her first professional role and her first role on the West End. Before being interrupted by Chandler in Candy Store, we get a taste of her vocals and they are put fully on display when she decides on a new favourite colour in Never Shut Up Again. She has mastered the choreography that comes with the character and her voice fits the role perfectly. Her body language further adds to her incredible characterisation of Duke as she brings the role to life.


Heathers’ return to the West End is a fantastic one. With a great cast to carry on the torch from those who came before, this is a must-see to those who can make it.


The musical will be performing at @sohoplace until the 6th of July. From the 24th of that month, it will embark on a tour across the UK. If you can make it to any of the shows, I would definitely recommend it as you don’t want to miss out on this fantastic rendition of the show.