Concerns over abuse and violence towards teachers in UK schools

By Dillon Morrow

Teachers are in trouble.

A number of teachers have reported facing abusive language and violence in school, with concerns that students are not facing enough serious consequences.

The Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS) took a violence and aggression survey with their branch schools and found that over 63% of branch schools report that teachers deal with aggressive incidents daily.

Primary schools report that over 63% must deal with violent and aggressive behaviour, whereas high schools report a slightly smaller number, with only 57%.

The highest rate of aggressive behaviour is in the special education sector as 90% of the EIS branch special education schools report that they face violence daily.

The schools that reported rarely having any outbursts of aggressive behaviour were in the minority at 12% of the branches that answered the survey.

72% of the (EIS) Brach school reported that pupil on teacher aggression has seen a significant increase in the last 4 years.

By Kenny Eliason via Unsplash

Pupil-on-teacher aggression is made up of a variety of different behaviours that can be harmful to a teacher's health, property or mental well-being. 64% of schools report verbal threats towards teachers. These threats can be physical, psychological or professional

66% of branch schools report that physical violence (e.g. punches kicks slaps and objects thrown) happens most often in school, however, this number is split primarily between primary and special education schools.

85% of primary schools report that physical violence is one of the most common aggressive behaviours that teachers must deal with.

87% of special education schools also report that physical violence is one of the most common incidents that teachers handle daily.

In contrast, only 5% of high schools report violence as common in their schools.

By MChe Lee via Unsplash

93% of EIS branch high schools report that intimidatory obscene or derogatory language towards teachers is the most common aggressive behaviour.

In the behaviour in Scottish school's research report (BISSR) the Scottish government have found similar numbers

The Scottish government sent a survey to 508 primary schools and 330 eligible high schools. In each school, the headteacher along with a random assortment of teachers and support staff were invited to participate. The survey found that 65% of pupils are well behaved in the classroom and that 85% of pupils are well behaved around the school.

The survey also found that 67% of teachers and support staff have faced verbal abuse 59% have dealt with physical aggression and 43% have seen violence between pupils in the classroom within the last week as of the survey being taken.

The Scottish government have also found an upward trend in positive behaviour as the pupils increase in age. Low-level disruptive behaviour such as speaking out of turn or using phones in class is much more common in high school. Outbursts of violence are much more common in the primary schools.

The BISSR identified the root of disruptive behaviour as being societal factors such as deprivation, poverty, home/family problems and pre-existing trauma.

Many schools are taking steps to properly nurture children through these challenges the Scottish government agrees that schools should not have to take on these challenges in isolation.

The Scottish government believes to help solve these behavioural issues, multiple steps need to be put into place.

By Hiroyoshi Urushima via Unsplash

The relationships between young people and members must be strengthened to promote respectful relationships.

Schools and parents must communicate to properly understand and accommodate pupil's needs and behaviour.

Local authorities must communicate with schools to give confidence to teachers when dealing with adversity in the classroom.

Schools must record aggression towards staff and other pupils to properly understand the scale of the issue and the role both play in improving behaviour.

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