The Strathclyde pension strikes: When? Where? Why?

By Jamie Findlay

Strathclyde's non-academic staff are set to hold a rally tomorrow regarding the University stockpiling their pension wages for more than £100M, whilst leaving them with worse pension plans than they deserve.

The strike includes hundreds of staff members over two weeks and is in response to a ‘cynical’ last minute attempt by the University to roll back on its detrimental pension proposals.

The staff are a part of the (SPF) Strathclyde pension fund and say they are losing thousands of pounds each year and have accused their employer of putting them onto more worse off plans.

The march rally is set to take place tomorrow at the Strathclyde main campus building on Rottenrow Hill at 9:30 AM, and the strikes are currently set to last two weeks. 

The strikes will be held under Unite the union which is an organisation who are a ‘fighting back union, winning in the workplace’, a ‘progressive union, a force for a fairer society’ among other values.

The vision of Unite is that of a society wherein employers and employees work together to build successful businesses and safe, healthy work environments.  

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “Unite members at Strathclyde University are set for strike actions because their employer is attempting a shameful cash-grab on their pensions. 

“The university has left our members with no option but to take this action because they are furious that their pension pots are at risk.” 

Strike action will directly impact on cleaning and maintenance services along with security of university buildings and student residences.

Trade staff taking part in the strikes will lead to a lack of joiners, electricians and plumbers who deal with leaks, lighting and gas issues in university buildings. Technical staff involved will have further influence on students learning in labs.