Life’s For the Living! - Passenger’s Triumphant Return to Glasgow
Photo by Donald Erskine
It had been far too long since the Barrowland ceiling was been above me, and the lights of a hearty Glasgow gig have lit up the stars of the famous ballroom. On this warm August night, the audience and band basked in the light like plants in the final summer sun.
Michael David Rosenberg, better known by his stage name Passenger, seemed to be in a similar situation to the audience; constant reminders that he was as out of practice being up on stage as we were in front of it were clear. His admitted nervousness, song selection, and chat addressed the pandemic shaped elephant in the room.
His usual charm and charisma shone through as always and, opening with the song ‘Survivors’, he set the mood: we were here, life was returning and we were to enjoy every second of it. This sentiment was carried on with the perfectly apt ‘Life’s for the Living’. The rapturous cheers, applause and sing along that led this song, especially in the chorus, bled all our collective hearts togetherness we sang:
“Don’t you cry for the lost, smile for the living, get what you need and give what you’re giving. Life’s for the living so live it or you’re better off dead.”
The thought of being in a room with this many people had me anxious before arriving. However, those thoughts left me with every chord strummed and word sung; It felt normal.
What followed was a different set to Passenger’s previous shows. He joked that: “you’re all probably fed up with hearing me sing the same 15 songs!” which rang true as he proceeded to mesh new songs and old favourites, coupled with a cover of Bryan Adams’ Heaven. The singalong that accompanied it boosted by the clubland version, ‘I am sure!’. Quieter moments like “Queenstown” shone through with emotions running high, while more raucous efforts meant that by the time he was nearing the encore Passenger was sodden with sweat and sipping whisky as you felt him returning to normal service.
The finale of the encore was ‘Holes’, which was a poignant and fitting end to the show. Again, the resounding chorus echoing his lyrics back – some of the metaphorical holes sung about felt like they were being filled in as we sang.
Every time I see Passenger live, I am reminded of the beauty in music; how one man and an acoustic guitar can create an experience full bands sometimes struggle to replicate. His showmanship and ability to stir a crowd with powerful and emotive songs, at full volume or with a more subdued number, is second to none.
I was delighted to take my place in an audience once again and have whet my appetite to delve back into the live music scene. Whatever is out there, I am keen to get facemask deep in it. If you add one thing to your to-do list, I would make it going to a live gig. After all, in the words of the man himself: “Life is for the living!’